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Advanced Online Publications

Rivers, M. L., Babineau, A. L., Neely, K. P., & Tauber, S. K. (2023). How do students and faculty consider numerical ratings and comments about daily quizzing when interpreting student evaluations of teaching?, Teaching of Psychology, Advanced Online Publication. [Data & Materials] 


Ariel, R., Babineau, A L., & Tauber, S. K. (2024). Teaching older adults to use retrieval practice improves their self-regulated learning. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 31(5), 823-845. [PDF]  [Data, Materials, & Analytic Code] 


Babineau, A. L. & Tauber, S. K. (2023). Students' decisions to switch between categories or stay within them are related to practice classification performance. Memory & Cognition, 51, 898-914. [PDF]  [Data & Materials] 

Northern, P. E., Tauber, S. K., St. Hilaire, K. J., & Carpenter, S. K. (2023). Application of a two-phase model of note quality to explore the impact of instructor fluency on students' note-taking. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 12, 94-104. [PDF]  [Data & Materials] [Editor's Choice Award - March 2023] 

Rivers, M. L., Dunlosky, J., Janes, J. L., Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2023). Judgments of learning enhance recall for category-cued but not letter-cued items, Memory & Cognition, 51, 1547-1561. [PDF] [Data & Materials] 

Rivers, M. L., Janes, J. L., Dunlosky, J., Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2023). Exploring the role of attentional reorienting in the reactive effects of judgments of learning on memory performance. Journal of Intelligence, 11:164, 1-13. [PDF]  [Data & Materials] 

Tauber, S. K., & Ariel, R. (2023). Emerging trends in research on self-regulated learning and implications for education: An introduction to the special issue, Journal of Intelligence, 11:52, 1-3. [PDF] 

Witherby, A. E., Babineau, A. L., & Tauber, S. K. (2023). Does interactive imagery influence the reactive effect of judgments of learning on memory? In C. Yang & L. Luo (Eds.) Special Issue on Advances in Metacognition, Learning, and Reactivity, Journal of Intelligence, 11:139, 1-12. [PDF] [Data & Materials] 


Babineau, A. L. Witherby, A. E., Ariel, R., Pelch, M. A., & Tauber, S. K. (2022). Do domain knowledge and retrieval practice predict students' study order decisions? In S. K. Tauber & R. Ariel (Eds.) Special Issue on Building a Knowledgeable Student: Emerging Trends in Research on Self-Regulated Learning and Implications for Education, Journal of Intelligence, 10:122, 1-20. [PDF]  [Preregistration] [Data & Materials] 

Sitzman, D. M., Rheams, J., Babineau, A. L., & Tauber, S. K. (2022). Older and younger adults' revision of health misconceptions. Memory, 30, 172-189. [PDF]  [Data & Materials] 

Tauber, S. K., Thakkar, V. J., & Pleshek, M. A. (2022). How does the type of expected evaluation impact students' self-regulated learning? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 11, 106-119. [PDF]  [Data & Materials] [Editor's Choice Award - March 2022] 

Witherby, A. E., Tauber, S. K., & Goodrich, M. (2022).  People hold mood-congruent beliefs about memory, but do not use these beliefs when monitoring their learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48, 499-519. [PDF]  [Data & Materials] 


Ariel, R., Karpicke, J. D., Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2021). Do judgments of learning directly enhance learning of educational materials? Educational Psychology Review, 33, 693-712. [PDF] [Data & Materials] 

Dunlosky, J., Mueller, M. L., Morehead, K., Tauber, S. K., Thiede, K., & Metcalfe, J. (2021). Why does excellent monitoring accuracy not always produce gains in memory performance? Zeitshcrift fur Psychologie, 229, 104-119.

Witherby, A. E., Tauber, S. K., & Dunlosky, J. (2021). Why do emotional stimuli influence judgments of learning? Theory, evidence, and future directions. In D. Moraitou and P. Metallidou (Eds.) Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research Across the Life Span - A Tribute to Anastasia Efklides (pp. 3-24), Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerlang AG.

Undergraduate Journal Publication - Juneau, T. A., Northern, P. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2021). The impact of an attorney's speaking fluency when delivering an opening statement on jurors' decisions. Modern Psychological Studies, 27, Article 5, 1-30. [PDF]  [Data & Materials] 


Carpenter, S. K., Northern, P. E., Tauber, S. K., & Toftness, A. R. (2020). Effects of lecture fluency and instructor expertise on students' judgments of learning, test scores, and evaluations of instructors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 26, 26-39. [PDF] [Data & Materials]

Carpenter, S. K., Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2020). On students' (mis)judgments of learning and teaching effectiveness. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 9, 137-151. [PDF]

Carpenter, S. K., Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2020). On students' (mis)judgments of learning and teaching effectiveness: Where we stand and how to move forward. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 9, 181-185. [PDF] 

Sitzman, D. M., Tauber, S. K., & Witherby, A. E. (2020). How do older adults maintain corrections in knowledge across a lengthy delay? Psychology and Aging,35, 112-123. [PDF] [Data & Materials]


Tauber, S. K., & Witherby, A. E. (2019). Do judgments of learning modify older adults' actual learning? Psychology and Aging, 34, 836-847. [PDF] [Data & Materials]

Tauber, S. K., Witherby, A. E., & Dunlosky, J. (2019). Beliefs about memory decline in aging do not impact judgments of learning (JOLs): A challenge for belief-based explanations of JOLs. Memory & Cognition, 47, 1102-1119. [PDF] [Data & Materials]

Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2019). The current status of students' note-taking: Why and how do students take notes? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 8, 139-153. [PDF] [Data & Materials]

Witherby, A. E., Tauber, S. K., Rhodes, M. G., & Castel, A. D. (2019). Aging and forgetting: Forgotten information is perceived as less important than remembered information. Psychology and Aging, 34, 228-241. [PDF] [Data & Materials]


Tauber, S. K., Witherby, A. E., Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Putnam, A. L., & Roediger, H. L. (2018). Does covert retrieval benefit learning of key-term definitions? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 7, 106-115. [PDF]

Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2018). Monitoring of learning for emotional faces: How do fine-grained categories of emotion influence participants' judgments of learning and beliefs about memory? Cognition and Emotion, 32, 860-866. [PDF]


Lipowski, S., Ariel, R., Tauber, S. K., & Dunlosky, J. (2017). Children's agenda-based regulation: The effects of prior performance and reward on elementary school children's study choices. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 164, 55-67. [PDF]

Tauber, S. K., Dunlosky, J., Urry, H. L., & Opitz, P. C. (2017). The effects of emotion on younger and older adults' monitoring of learning. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 24,  555-547. [PDF]

Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2017). The concreteness effect on judgments of learning: Evaluating the contributions of fluency and beliefs. Memory & Cognition, 45, 639-650. [PDF]

Witherby, A. E., & Tauber, S. K. (2017). The influence of judgments of learning on long-term learning and short-term performance. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 6, 496-503. [PDF]


Dunlosky, J. & Tauber, S. K. (Eds.). (2016). The Oxford Handbook of Metamemory. New York: NY: Oxford University Press.

Mueller, M. L., Dunlosky, J., & Tauber, S. K. (2016). The effect of identical word pairs on people's metamemory judgments: What are the contributions of processing fluency and beliefs about memory? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 781-799. [PDF]

Tauber, S. K., & Dunlosky, J. (2016). A brief history of metamemory research and handbook overview. In J. Dunlosky & S. K. Tauber (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Metamemory (pp. 7-21), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Tauber, S. K., & Witherby, A. E. (2016). Metacognition in older adulthood. In N. A. Pachana (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Geropsychology (pp. 1-15). New York, NY: Springer.


Dunlosky, J., Mueller, M. K., & Tauber, S. K. (2015). The contribution of subjective fluency and theories of memory to people's judgments of memory. In D. S. Lindsay, C. M. Kelley, A. P. Yonelinas, & H. L. Roediger III (Eds.) Remembering: Attributions, processes, and control in human memory: Papers in honour of Larry L. Jacoby (pp. 46-64). New York: Psychology Press.

Finn, B., & Tauber, S.K. (2015). When confidence is not a signal of knowing: How students experiences and beliefs about processing fluency can lead to miscalibrated confidence, Educational Psychology Review, 27, 567-586. [PDF]

Mueller, M. L., Dunlosky, J., & Tauber, S. K. (2015). Why is knowledge updating after task experience incomplete? Contributions of encoding experience, scaling artifact, and inferential deficit. Memory & Cognition, 43, 180-192. [PDF]

Sitzman, D. M., Rhodes, M. G., Tauber, S. K. & Liceralde, V. R. T. (2015). The role of prior knowledge in error correction for younger and older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 22, 502-516. [PDF]

Tauber, S. K. & Dunlosky, J. (2015). Monitoring of learning at the category level when learning a natural concept: Will task experience improve its resolution? Acta Psychologica, 155, 8-18. [PDF]

Tauber, S. K., Dunlosky, J., & Rawson, K. A. (2015). The influence of retrieval practice versus delayed judgments of learning on memory: Resolving a memory-metamemory paradox. Experimental Psychology, 62, 254-263. [PDF]


Dunlosky, J., & Tauber, S. K. (2014). Understanding people's metacognitive judgments: An isomechanism framework and its implications for applied and theoretical research. In T. Perfect & S. Lindsay (Eds). Handbook of Applied Memory (pp. 444-464). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Mueller, M. L., Dunlosky, J., Tauber, S. K., & Rhodes, M. G. (2014). The font-size effect on judgments of learning: Does it exemplify fluency effects or reflect people's beliefs about memory? Journal of Memory and Language, 70, 1-12. [PDF]

Sitzman, D. M., Rhodes, M. G., & Tauber, S. K. (2014). Prior knowledge is more predictive of error correction than subjective confidence. Memory & Cognition, 42, 84-96. [PDF]


Festini, S. B., Hartley, A. A., Tauber, S. K., & Rhodes, M. G. (2013). Assigned value improves memory for proper names. Memory, 21, 657-667.  [PDF]

Mueller, M. L., Tauber, S. K., & Dunlosky, J. (2013). Contributions of beliefs and processing fluency to the effect of relatedness on judgments of learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 378-384. [PDF]

Tauber, S. K., Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Rhodes, M. G., & Sitzman, D. A. (2013). General knowledge norms: Updated and expanded from the Nelson and Narens (1980) norms. Behavior Research Methods, 45, 1115-1143.  [PDF]   Norms: [Excel]

Tauber, S. K., Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Wahlheim, C. N., & Jacoby, L. L. (2013). Self-regulated learning of a natural category: Do people interleave or block exemplars during study? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 356-363. [PDF] [Data] 


James, L. E., Tauber, S. K., McMahan, E. A., Oberle, S., Martinez, A. P., & Fogler, K. A. (2012). Searching for interference effects in learning new face-name associations. Memory, 20, 155-166.  [PDF]

Tauber, S. K., & Dunlosky, J. (2012). Can older adults judge their learning of emotional information? Psychology and Aging, 27, 924-933.  [PDF] [Data & Materials] 

Tauber, S. K., & Rhodes, M. G. (2012). Measuring monitoring with Judgments of Retention (JORs). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65, 1376-1396. [PDF]

Tauber, S. K., & Rhodes, M. G. (2012). Multiple bases for young and older adults' Judgments of learning (JOLs) in multitrial learning. Psychology and Aging, 27, 474-483. [PDF]


Kornell, N., Rhodes, M. G., Castel, A. D., & Tauber, S. K. (2011). The ease of processing heuristic and the stability bias: Dissociating memory, memory beliefs, and memory judgments. Psychological Science, 22, 787-794.  [PDF]

Rhodes, M. G., & Tauber, S. K. (2011). Monitoring memory errors: The influence of the veracity of retrieval information on the accuracy of judgments of learning (JOLs). Memory, 19, 853-870.  [PDF]

Rhodes, M. G., & Tauber, S. K. (2011). The influence of delaying judgments of learning on metacognitive accuracy: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 137, 131-148. [PDF]


Tauber, S. K., James, L. E. & Noble, P. M. (2010). The effects of age on using prosody and on judging communicative effectiveness. Psychology & Aging, 25, 702-707.  [PDF]

Tauber, S. K., & Rhodes, M. G. (2010). Does the amount of material to-be-remembered influence JOLs? Memory, 18, 351-362.  [PDF]

Tauber, S. K., & Rhodes, M. G. (2010). Metacognitive errors contribute to the difficulty in remembering proper names. Memory, 18, 522-532.  [PDF]


James, L. E., Fogler, K. A., & Tauber, S. K. (2008). Recognition memory tests yield disproportionate effects of aging on proper name learning. Psychology & Aging, 23, 657-664. [PDF]

Undergraduate Journal Publication - Stout, J., Tauber, S. K., & Corts, D. P. (2005). Item method directed forgetting instructions prevent false memories from DRM lists. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 10, 127-132.